Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Environmental Contaminants Affects Unborn Baby

Environmental Contaminants Affects Unborn Baby.
A rich woman's revelation to environmental contaminants affects her unborn baby's heart rate and movement, a new learn says in June 2013. "Both fetal motor activity and heart rate show how the fetus is maturing and give us a way to evaluate how exposures may be affecting the developing nervous system," swat lead author Janet DiPietro, associate dean for research at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said in a sect news release who is phil. The researchers analyzed blood samples from 50 high- and low-income fertile women in and around Baltimore and found that they all had detectable levels of organochlorines, including DDT, PCBs and other pesticides that have been banned in the United States for more than 30 years.

High-income women had a greater concentration of chemicals than low-income women tip brand club. The blood samples were nonchalant at 36 weeks of pregnancy, and measurements of fetal quintessence toll and movement also were taken at that time, according to the study, which was published online in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2013.

The researchers found that higher levels of some public environmental pollutants were associated with more constant and vigorous fetal movement. Some of the chemicals also were associated with fewer changes in fetal nucleus rate, which normally imitate fetal movements. "Most studies of environmental contaminants and child development wait until children are much older to approximate effects of things the mother may have been exposed to during pregnancy.

Here we have observed effects in utero. How the prenatal space sets the stage for later child development is a subject of tremendous interest, DiPietro said. These results show that the developing fetus is impressionable to environmental exposures and that we can identify this by measuring fetal neurobehavior med world plus. This is yet more evidence for the need to protect the vulnerable developing perceptiveness from effects of environmental contaminants both before and after birth".

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